Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Nicolas Sparks

i have got this new obsession of reading love stories... and the best that i found are the books by Nicolas sparks.. he is just so good at it. and i was surprised that a male author can be so good at love stories. its seriously something that makes you turn pages and look for more. till now i have completed two of his books. the notebook and the choice, now i am on dead john and trust me its very nice. and the other two books are just that good as well.. 
 i am thinking about buying a cabinet for all the books i have. i love to show off the collection i have. and i love to complete the whole series. like i have long since completed the harry potter series then i completed the twilight saga then i finished all four books written by chetan bhagat. now i am half way through the books written by nicolas sparks there as still a couple of books i have to read. and after that i  am planning on starting with the lord of the rings, thats going to take a lot of my patience. and then maybe ill start with the shopoholic series.. for some odd reason i don't feel like reading it yet. maybe i am not in that chick mood to read it. 
 this is one of those things that i am proud of that i don't have a single book in my cabinet that i haven't read.  achievement right??? 
and i have also realised that books really are a man's best friend. cause thats what i do when i have nothing else to do or nowhere to go or no one to talk. its good to have someone who is with you no matter what mood you are in or where you are or no matter what time it is.  :)
anyways, howz all you people? alll izz well???

Monday, March 15, 2010


okay, so i reallly needed to talk to someone, and as there is no one else to talk to i guess ill just blog it out. to talk about it straight away i broke up with my boyfriend. and its tough. we would have completed 2 years next month. and now i am here going through my second breakup. my previous boyfriend was a jerk. and now again this... so maybe its just me or maybe its the people i meet.

i have had enough from him now. and being with him he made me go away from all my friends and now this. its really difficult now to pass though this stage when i have no friends of my own.

boys can be so mean sometimes, i know i should not judge all the guys only because few i met were not good. but still i cant help it. its just getting on my nerve. i cant concentrate on work or anywhere its just too much for me.

he is a good guy but not for me... for him all he wants is his happiness and his pleasure and his friends and me to trail along and if i ask for something he will only deny it nothing else, and on top of that say that i dont  give him space. the point is that i hardly get time these days and when i do get some free time  i want to spend it with him and he will always have some plans for that day. but will never try and meet me.

its just irritating... but i have had enough now.. ill not go back to him. its difficult i know.. and with no friends left to talk too its going to be a disaster so maybe ill just blog it out as i get time.


Friday, March 12, 2010



I recently saw karthik calling karthik.. it was a superb movie no doubt. I was impressed by the way they had done the titling only. The movie was also very impressing. And one thing that I liked the most was that they had actually made correct research on Schizophrenia. The way they had shown self destruction was something I liked the most. And deepika’s character. A friend of mine said is there any girl who will actually do what deepika did in the end. And I was proud to say YES!
Yes, I have known two people who have this Schizophrenia thing. Yes its very scary. Actually I would rather say I have seen two extreme differences of this disease. One where the lady burnt herself to death and other where the guy under medication is living a normal life now.
What I have noticed is… you have this thing in yourself since your birth and when you go through a major shock or something this grows and it comes out.
The lady I mentioned was normal till the time she got married. It was a love marriage, but after marriage she realized that her husband is a angry man. And gets angry on small things and same was with his whole family. The shock was too much for her and she lost it.
She showed symptoms like, if you are talking to her in the middle of the conversation she will start talking to someone invisible and talk as if its really there and that person is troubling her in someway. Then after sometime she would get normal and talk to you back, her husband left her and after a few years she burnt herself alive.
The other guy I was talking about, started showing symptoms when his father accidently fell of from his balcony and died. It was too much for him. And he showed symptoms like he ran away from the house a couple of times. But medication at the right time helped him a lot and now he is leading a normal life.
When I saw the movie, after it I was haunted by these things, it was like all these things happened just yesterday. And the movie impressed me the most because of the research they had done over it. And not just used the name and made the movie of their own choice.

Thursday, March 11, 2010



Okay! So first of all it feels great to write a post after so long. And now I am just going to write right from my heart and not think about anything its just RANDOM!

To start with I had gone to Bangalore just last week for like 2 days.  It was fun. I was excited about it and was looking forward for the south Indian food there. As I didn’t know any special place there so I settled for the local restaurants near my hotel and I would love to let you know that they didn’t disappoint me. I have decided that I will try and blog a little more often and I am happy that I still have follower who read and comment… that you all seriously it means a lot to me. And I love you all….

I am reading Nicolas spark’s books. I completed the notebook and the choice, and I am now on Dear John. Though I get less time I have managed to complete it and looking forward to complete all his books ASAP!

I missed the Oscars this year, and I was a little disappointed that avatar didn’t get the best movie. Hmm..actually I knew it somewhere down in my heart that it wont win… still I am sad.