Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Nicolas Sparks

i have got this new obsession of reading love stories... and the best that i found are the books by Nicolas sparks.. he is just so good at it. and i was surprised that a male author can be so good at love stories. its seriously something that makes you turn pages and look for more. till now i have completed two of his books. the notebook and the choice, now i am on dead john and trust me its very nice. and the other two books are just that good as well.. 
 i am thinking about buying a cabinet for all the books i have. i love to show off the collection i have. and i love to complete the whole series. like i have long since completed the harry potter series then i completed the twilight saga then i finished all four books written by chetan bhagat. now i am half way through the books written by nicolas sparks there as still a couple of books i have to read. and after that i  am planning on starting with the lord of the rings, thats going to take a lot of my patience. and then maybe ill start with the shopoholic series.. for some odd reason i don't feel like reading it yet. maybe i am not in that chick mood to read it. 
 this is one of those things that i am proud of that i don't have a single book in my cabinet that i haven't read.  achievement right??? 
and i have also realised that books really are a man's best friend. cause thats what i do when i have nothing else to do or nowhere to go or no one to talk. its good to have someone who is with you no matter what mood you are in or where you are or no matter what time it is.  :)
anyways, howz all you people? alll izz well???


  1. yeah girl aaal eezz well. i like the way he writes too..i think he has a universal appeal. i have read a walk to remember and the notebook.. will definitely read more.. a walk to remember was kind of VERY SAD.. and i just don't like sad endings.. be in it movies or books. so...i'll avoid sad-ending stories.. but otherwise i love the way he writes.

    i was a lit student.. so i have a cabinet of books..and i've kept a lot of fiction in it too.. funny that there are a couple of books in the cabinet that i havent read and thats probably cuz they belonged to my syllabus. lol. averse to study-material!

    yeah books are a man's best friend...they do help take your mind off a lot of things and teach you a lot too. all this friend asks for is your time and attention. it gives you a lot in return :) keep reading

  2. hmm..i hvnt read his books..but if u say tht his Love stories r so good..i'll definitely gv it a all soon...n make a huge collection..u hv a huge list out there hmmmmmm... :) ;)
