Saturday, September 27, 2014

They Should Have Changed The Room

We were on a work trip.
Riddhima and I were sharing the room.

15mins after checking in Riddhima came to me and said,
“You know what, I don’t like this hotel it is giving me a very weird vibe. Let’s change the hotel and go to the one on Park Street.”
what rubbish! It’s perfectly fine. Plus everyone is staying here. It will be weird if just the two of us shifted.”
“No Pooja, really!” she tried to argue but I told her she was watching too much horror movies and needs to chill.

The day was uneventful, we went around the city, explored some restaurants. She was happy spending the day outside and delaying going back to the hotel.

Finally aswe came back, she again started with the whole let’s change the hotel drama. By that time I was super tired and having eaten so much was a bit drowsy. I told her to shut up and just go to sleep. 

Generally when we travel together we get a double bed (more comfortable) this time however there were twin beds, cribbing, I took the one near the wall.

Out of habit I woke up at around 3.30am only to be horrified to death. Riddhima was sitting straight on her bed with her long hair flipped in front. I froze and I don’t know for how long I was just lying there looking at her. She didn’t move all this while. After what seemed like an eternity I finally managed to call her out. She only responded when I screamed her name out.

I told her to go put on the lights, to which she refused. She wasn’t moving a centimeter when all this was happening. After repeatedly asking her I finally screamed at her again. This time however she agreed and went to put on the lights.  I took her to the next room where our other friends were staying and told her what had just happened, of which she had no memory of.

To this day I can vividly recall that image of her sitting with her hair in flipped in front and it send chills down my spine.

PS – we did change the room next day!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


(In no particular order)

Visit Harry Potter Theme Park
I know this sounds like a very weird wish, but it is one of the important one. Harry potter introduced me to reading! It got me to fall in love with books. It has been there for me when I was sad or angry or happy or upset or PMSing. Its quotes never fail to inspire me and it reassures me that I am not the only one who believes that magic is real.

Visit Paris
Effiel tower. Enough said! Only two monuments in the world had been on my wishlist for as long as I remember – Taj Mahal and Effiel Tower. I have visited The Taj so Effiel is the only one left.

See the Northern Lights
Something very magical about them, no?

Become a Positive Person
Although I would call myself positive but at times all of that goes down the drain. I believe in positive thinking and mind over matter but it’s difficult to follow that every time. So obviously at times I snap. Also I would like to be more patient, I am super impatient.

Loose Weight (get fit)
Thinner. Healthier. A little more beautiful.

Become Rich
Oh well, who doesn’t want this to happen?

Meet Shahrukh Khan!
I am in absolute love with Shahrukh Khan. I also believe that someday I shall meet him! Not as part of a crowd but actually go to Mannat and have a cup of coffee with him ( or maybe even dinner) chat with him for hours in his library.

Yes I do someday plan to teach. Ill wait till the time I am much more accomplished, intelligent, well read and patient! You know how kids are these days :P

World Tour
Plan to see every part of this beautiful earth!

Be succesful
I believe success is the key to happiness. Need not be material all the time. When you don’t regret a particular decision that is you being succeful at making yourself happy right? Makes sense?

I also want to find true love, get married and eat without ever worrying about putting on weight! 

Why English Why?

“I don’t need to flirt, ill seduce you with my awkwardness” :P

She  so wish this was true. She generally found it easy to talk to people. When it comes to him, its like she hasn’t  learnt how to speak a sentence properly. Lately she fumbles a lot when speaking to him, its like her head is telling her something, her  heart is telling her some other thing and she is speaking something different entirely!
It wasn’t that difficult earlier, she did have a crush on him for 3 years but it was just that. It never escalated into anything more than that, just made up for some spice in college. Now that she was getting to know him, she realised that the damage was done! The crush has escalated.
Discussing love life in excrutiating details over a  cup of coffee with her besties has now turned into her nightmare. She just doesn’t seem to have answers to all their questions.  Waiting for him to message her has become her favorite passtime.
She hopes he hasn’t noticed the weird her. She hopes that she finds her vocabulary back soon and is able to communicate than just murmur some stupid words. Fumbling is another issue again, nervousness makes her blabber and she quickly realises what an ass she has been and then awkwardly tries to cover that up, basically making the entire thing even more awkward and weird.

Have you ever been betrayed by your vocabulary like this?

Saturday, September 13, 2014

A day spent Finding Fanny at Regal Cinema

I had decided to watch Finding Fanny by just the poster, I didn’t even bother to check the trailer before watching. It’s a simple, nice movie. Way different than the usual bollywood movies. As of Regal Cinema, I had never been there but the timings suited us so we went there. The first thing that surprised me were the ticket prices, ₹100/- for stall, ₹150/- for balcony and ₹200/- for dress seats(I have no idea what that is). Obviously we were late so we got the stall tickets, and trust me they were pretty decent seats. The crowd was decent a mix of old parsi couples and teenagers, there was one aunty who started clapping when the movie started and I knew just then that I was in for a ride. She laughed out loud at every joke (even the silly ones) but it was a delight.
The theater is huge and has a vintage touch to it, it was like going back in time. Even the food available was limited, standard coke, popcorn,lays and samosa and needless to say everything was super cheap. I love popcorn especially while watching a movie but spending ₹150/- something for that is stupid.  
For the first time I was hooked on to Naseeruddin Shahand completely ignored the main leads (Arjun Kapoor and Deepika Padukone) not that they were bad, but Naseeruddin Shah was brilliant. The movie has some very witty dialogues, simple narration and no over the top acting. The entire feel of the theater is vintage and that added to the entire experience as the movie and theater complimented eachother.
A walk down colaba causeway  for some shopping (bought a grey embrodered top, some bangles and earrings) and dessert at Theorbroma made for a perfect Saturday evening.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Chocolateria San Churro, Link Road, Andheri

My general late night chocolate spot for a long time has been Theobroma, Colaba. Although this time a friend suggested we go to San Churro, Link Road, Andheri. I like the fact that this place is open till 1am thus proves to be an excellent late night spot ( a little heavier on the pocket though if you compare it with Theobroma) as we reached pretty late the place was almost empty except for a group of four.
We ordered Chocolate Hazelnut Shake, Chicken Panani Sandwich and Chocolate Mousse Bar. All three were exceptionally amazing. The Chocolate shake has a very strong hazelnut after taste which my friend liked but I didn’t. The Mousse bar was delicious and so was the Panani Sandwich. (sorry, I just have the Mousse bar picture)

The staff is very friendly and the service is not that bad either.

The Damage was ₹662/- for two

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Me  – I am so hungry. I wish the lecture gets done soon.
He -  You should really consider having a good breakfast before leaving.
Me  – don’t you start again.
He -  you anyway don’t eat much.
Me -  I do alright. Haven’t you noticed most of the time we meet it’s generally about food. Lunch or dinner.
He – come up with more things to do together then.
Me  -  why don’t you do that? You always tell me to pick things to do.
He – it’s better no? if I start picking things you won’t get to do things that you want.
Me - isn’t the same happening to you now? You don’t get to do things you want. You always just agree to do whatever I say.
He – well that’s the point, I am happy doing things that makes you happy.
Me  - *Blushes*

Thus the boring lecture was spiced up thanks to Whatsapp! :D