Wednesday, September 17, 2014


(In no particular order)

Visit Harry Potter Theme Park
I know this sounds like a very weird wish, but it is one of the important one. Harry potter introduced me to reading! It got me to fall in love with books. It has been there for me when I was sad or angry or happy or upset or PMSing. Its quotes never fail to inspire me and it reassures me that I am not the only one who believes that magic is real.

Visit Paris
Effiel tower. Enough said! Only two monuments in the world had been on my wishlist for as long as I remember – Taj Mahal and Effiel Tower. I have visited The Taj so Effiel is the only one left.

See the Northern Lights
Something very magical about them, no?

Become a Positive Person
Although I would call myself positive but at times all of that goes down the drain. I believe in positive thinking and mind over matter but it’s difficult to follow that every time. So obviously at times I snap. Also I would like to be more patient, I am super impatient.

Loose Weight (get fit)
Thinner. Healthier. A little more beautiful.

Become Rich
Oh well, who doesn’t want this to happen?

Meet Shahrukh Khan!
I am in absolute love with Shahrukh Khan. I also believe that someday I shall meet him! Not as part of a crowd but actually go to Mannat and have a cup of coffee with him ( or maybe even dinner) chat with him for hours in his library.

Yes I do someday plan to teach. Ill wait till the time I am much more accomplished, intelligent, well read and patient! You know how kids are these days :P

World Tour
Plan to see every part of this beautiful earth!

Be succesful
I believe success is the key to happiness. Need not be material all the time. When you don’t regret a particular decision that is you being succeful at making yourself happy right? Makes sense?

I also want to find true love, get married and eat without ever worrying about putting on weight! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow...
    I see that most of your wishes are mine too...
    Specifically, Paris... Weight loss and SRK!!!
