Monday, December 28, 2009



Twilight is one thing a girl would die for. Can any girl resist a guy like Edward Cullen ever? I mean okay, I have heard guys saying its not worth the hype and stuff. And how can I actually fall in love with a vampire. But the truth is I am not in love with the vampire. I am actually in love with the vampire and the werewolf both. It’s the love they have for bella.

I was a bit late to start the twilight series. I thought it would be something like betraying my love for harry potter. But really,  harry potter is a different thing and twilight is a  different. And I am in love with both of them.

The love between the vampire and a human is so cute. And imagine sleeping in his arms every night is such a wonderful thing. The way he cares for bella, I am really very jealous of that. wish I had someone like that.

I am glad that I actually started the series, better late than never right? I am now half way through eclipse.. and I am loving it.


  1. Well i think the girl is veterinarian or psycho. She loves wild things...;)

  2. i started recently too.. and fell in love with it.. i read all 4 books in a weeks time.. when you finish reading the fourth book - breaking dawn. you'll love edward and bella and jacob sooo sooo sooo much!! m waiting for u to finish.. and give reviews!!

  3. i love edward+bella

    i like jake but i love the love between edward and bella

    im on the last chap of new moon
