Friday, January 3, 2014


I saw a video recently on youtube where a person went on asking people of Banglore questions on Politics, though the video didn’t mean any harm and was taken by all in a humorous and non offensive way it just got me wondering about how less the people and especially the Youth of this country know about what is happening in the country.
I am a Journalism Student and I believe its my duty to make the youth around me aware of the fact that their votes are important and that they should atleast be aware of what is happening the country if not take active participation. The youth is not interested in the old school methods, they  need some new ways to catch their attention something that they can relate to, something that they enjoy and can connect to immediately.
When I saw this #VoteForIndia contest on Indiblogger it got me thinking about what I can do to make people around me aware, what can I do to make sure that everyone in my college vote. I called up couple of my friends and we thought of  organising a flash mob appealing everyone to VOTE! We can even conduct general discussions that we will organise in college to make them realise how their one vote can actually help make a huge difference. And for the third and the most important stage we shall use Social Mobile Apps that will help us stay connected all the time so that we can post updates, news etc related to the elections. We can also have a Q&A sessions where we will help solve some doubts or questions about any Candidate or Political Party (obviously with some help from Internet and Professors ) we can also have some group discussions about the current happenings.

I feel that when Elections, Politics etc becomes a part of an individuals daily life only then can they start taking active part in it and be informed. As Social Mobile Apps are something that we use on regular basis and something that is so very connected to the youth, information coming from this source will definitely strike a chord with the youth eventually making them aware as well as interested in Politics. 

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