Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 Resolutions

2013 passed by in a jiffy, It feels like just yesterday when I was celebrating 31stDecember 2012.  2013 was Good, Bad, Worse, Awesome and whatever more adjectives you would like to add, but there are something that I hope are left back in 2013 only and there are some new things that I want to bring in 2014.
Resolutions never really worked for me, and I know it has been the same with most of you guys. But this year I have just decided to make sure that I stick to my Resolutions and actually do a happy resolution complete post at the end of this year, and that’s the reason I am doing this post to publicly accept my resolutions so incase I ever do go out of track you guys can remind me and pull me back :D

So My New Year Resolutions Are…

1.      Blog More – This blog is almost 5 yrs old now and though I love it I was not that very in touch with it hence, I have decided that this year it will be one of my priority and will actually make an effort and post here more! Will read a lot many blogs, comment on a lot lot more other blogs and follow many many more blogs :D

2.      Learn Cooking – I have reached a point in my life where I feel that I should actually start learning how to cook. My mom had told me some 3yrs back to learn how to make round rotis ( lets face it, Round Roti’s ARE IMPORTANT ) and now that I have mastered that art ( Though I still can’t roast them that well ) my mom is slightly hinting towards learning how to make basic vegetables and chicken. I have been watching a lot of Sanjeev Kapoor videos off late but its all fun to just watch, I couldn’t take myself to the kitchen and actually make something. So I hope by the end of this year I have atleast mastered 1 recipe.
PS – If anyone of you have any simple yet tasty recipe, please share below!!!
3.      Be Organised -  I have been quite lazy and not so perfect in 2013. And I saw a lot of posts about Home / Life  organizations on Pinterest and fell in love with it immediately. Though many things didn’t apply to me so I made my own little Organizer that will help me manage my life a little bit better as well as give me ample time for myself.  
( I will do a post on the organizer soon also will give links to all the Printables )

4.      Read More Books – For the last 2 years I have been taking the GoodReads Challenge and have failed at it TERRIBLY and I am amazed when I see updates from other people who complete like 100 or 200 books in a year.  Getting inspired from them and keeping tradition going I have once again taken up the target of reading 50 books in 2014 and I hope I achieve it atleast this year. J

5.      Weight Loss Anddthis is the most common Resolution that girls make. Although I don’t want to be super slim or loose lots of weight, I just plain plan to tone up a bit and be fit. I love curves and I hope that I can continue flaunting that.

6.      Social Media Fanatic – Well not exactly, but just be more active on Social Media. I am a Journalism Student and for me being aware about things around me is very important and this is difficult for me cause I am also a tad bit forgetful when it comes to remembering names or people ( and this is something which won’t help me a bit in my career ) social media is one place which never fails to keep me informed and this year ill try to use to increase my general knowledge.

7.      Pray and Believe – I believe in Sharukh Khan’s Dialogue, Agar kisi cheez ko pure dil se chaho toh puri kayanath tumhe use milane ki koshish mein lag jaati hai”  I know its filmy but it is true as well. When you think positive and you believe with all your heart its bound to come true. And there are experiences which make me believe in this even more. Last 6 – 7 months was an emotional roller coaster and it is continuing and these are things I have no control upon and yet they continue to make huge huge difference in my life, so my only way out here is to Believe and to Pray!

Husssh… so that’s my resolution. I guess I can completed those. Actually I Hope I complete those ;)
Anyway what about you? What are your resolutions? What did you plan for 2014?

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