Thursday, December 27, 2012

Can We Please Hope For A Better 2013 ?

2012 is almost at its end, a new year awaits and generally people are happy about the new year it brings so many new hopes and happiness but somehow due to the state of women in this country I feel scared about the coming year. Even though there are so many protests and revolutions happening against the Delhi Gang Rape Case, there are still new rape cases coming happening everyday. Trust me for the last couple of days I dread putting on the news channels because I know there has to be atleast one Rape case. What gives these people guts to pull of something like this when they know that youth are finally understanding their duties and are protesting against it. Have we proven our law and judiciary system so week that even these people don’t care about what is happening are freely committing such crimes?
My mother always considered Mumbai a very safe city and she always gave me the independence which a growing up girl needs, but these days if I get late to come home from college she starts bombarding me with her phone calls. That is how insecure parents have got, I don’t blame them ofcourse. Why can’t women just feel safe with the people around them, why can’t men just decide that they will not let anything happen to the women who are around them, isn’t this some kind of a moral responsibility? Anyway, I just hope things get better in the coming year. With more strict law and punishments, people getting aware about good and bad and a safer society for women.

PS – I came across this picture on facebook just thought of sharing it here, it might help someone.


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas - ing.. :D

So this year, On Christmas eve we all went to Mount Mary, Bandra. What an amazing experience… the streets were filled with lights and lanterns and the roads were jam packed with cars and bikes going to Mount Mary. I had never been to Mount Mary on Christmas eve before and I was taken by a total surprise by the festive spirit there. So here are some pictures that I would like to share with you J

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Desh Ubal Raha Hai.

Remember the Tata Tea Ad? Where the husband is complaining of how the country is going down the drains when the wife explains him that the country is boiling now, you add tea sugar and milk and you’ll get an excellent result. I can’t help comparing the same with what is happening in the country capital. With what started on Sunday morning I thought it was just another protest march, people will assemble – protest – go home and carry on with their life. But when the protest turned into a violence and actually demanding an answer from the government did I feel happy thinking that something is finally happening to the country. Are we getting inspired by what is happening in Syria, Cairo and other countries? I hope yes!
During all election rallies, all these political parties promises to look after their people and their problems. But where are all these people now? When a mob is waiting for them outside their own house, these politicians make no assurances, instead they order lathicharge and tear gas on them so as to curb their protest… definitely not what we can call Democracy.  
It is our people who do such disgracing act and it is we who can change it, I recently had a chat with a friend,
Me – I hope I come back from Gujarat on time tomorrow, there is a candle light march at Gateway of India.
Friend  – I don’t understand how these march are going to help anyone or anything.
Me – so are you saying that we should do anything but just sit home what the crime happening on news and crib about it?
Friend  – no..but how is this helping?
Me – so tomorrow if I get raped, you as my friend  will do nothing to help me? Just sit home and crib about it? Chuck it lets not talk about it.
I pray for the girl to make a quick and healthy recovery and for all the devils who could so something like this to the poor girl a harsh punishment so that no one can ever do the same again. It only when we youth join hands and decide that we wont allow anything like this happening to any girl would we finally be able to protect the girls in our society.

PS – completely off topic, but something I am very thankful of. I generally travel late night for work reasons and for a long time now I wanted to buy pepper spray. So I was really very happy when my boyfriends brother bought two  pepper sprays 1 for me and 1 for his girlfriend. Well this also shows that guys these days are becoming more aware of the safety of the girls they are in touch with.  I feel more confident and less worried when travelling alone. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Stop This Shame !!!

Past couple of days I have been dreading to open a newspaper, almost every other news is about someone getting raped, or murdered or murdered due to mistaken identity. I have always thought of Mumbai as a very safe city, and till now it has given me enough reasons to believe so. But now I am so not sure if this can be said about Mumbai anymore. With everything that is happening in Delhi, with a girl getting raped everyday and trust me there is nothing in this world that can ever justify this.
What makes me more angry is the people in India, majority of the people would just read the news, talk about it during lunch breaks, crib how bad the country is and that some change needs to be done, go home update their facebook status and then just forget about it. Why have we become so insensitive suddenly? Had this happened in US or some other developed country a revolt would have already started. This is where we lack, we forget about it in a day and move on in our life. Our judiciary is so slow that the criminals are also sure that no matter what they do they wont be in serious trouble, they will either be out in a jiffy on bails or the court procedures will take years to reach a decision, and this gives them the guts to actually pull of such thing.
What more saddens me is that, some of our media tries to pull TRP’s even on such a sensitive topic. Instead of trying to do something for the victim or to pressurize the government to take proper actions against the criminals, all they do is make some shaddy dramatization of the real event and scare off the audience. Whereas the real job of media is to inform and educate people and also make them realize their responsibilities towards such things.
Being a girl, I have started doubting almost all the strangers. Somewhere down the line there are many issues attached to this which leads to these rape cases, but that again is a different topic altogether.
Also I appreciate Sushma Swaraj for speaking up and demanding that the criminals get a death penalty, something like this is really needed so that people knows that something like this wont be excused. I would really be happy if this thing actually is taken into action and the rapist are hanged till death. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Maharashtra Lost Its Tiger.

Maharashtra lost its Tiger, Balasaheb Keshav Thackeray on 17thNovember 2012. After being ill for a long time he finally left us all on this unfortunate day. Almost 2million people who used to worship, respect and look up too came to see off their leader,. The news came in on Saturday at 3.30 pm and almost within a few moments spread like a wild fire. Shops closed down within seconds, people put away their lanterns and all the Diwali decoration to express their condolences, office were shut down and Taxi and Riskshaws were also pulled off the road. Now there were many views shared that all this was done out of fear and shiv sena people threatened everyone to observe a Bandh. But as of my area is concerned everything happened without any telling, maybe that is because my area has always been a part of all political events. People faced problems to reach home on Saturday due to the sudden unavailability of Transport. Social media  came as a boon for the people who were stranded on the road with Twitter helping people with carpooling, its another thing that 2 days later 2 girls were arrested because of social media only.

The next day area from Bandra to Prabhadevi was sealed off and no vehicals were allowed to go there. With whole Mumbai eerie silent and an ocean of humans moving from Bandra to Shivaji Park, I bet the aerial view must be mesmerising.  People from various parts of Maharashtra came to pay their last respect to their departing Tiger. People climbed up trees and hoarding, stood in the hot sun for hours together just to see a glimpse of their beloved leader.  Television channels began to compare this cremation event with that of Mahatma Gandhi. And I could conclude one thing that 20 lack people don’t come just out of fear its no doubt the respect which pulled these people to Shivaji Park that day.
The next day I came across many people who criticised Balasabeb a lot, despite the fact that I am not an expert on him I thought that there had to be something which was good about him because of which people respect him so much. I just believe that when you criticise some person you should also acknowledge the good that he did, we cannot forget that he gave us two wonderful express highways which helps us reach our homes faster after a tiring and a very hectic time at work, also the Bandra – Worli Sea link which I grade as an asset to the city. He gave the Marathi Manoos the pride which he had almost forgotten, I don’t know if should credit him or not but my city is safe for me to even travel at night, unlike all the cases which happens in Delhi. And last but not the least he changed the name from Bombay to Mumbai…  I was waiting for the News channels  to showcase all the things he has done for Maharashtra, but unfortunately that didn’t happen reruns of all the provocative speeches were telecasted which did not do much good for the departing soul.
The man had the power and he knew how to use it, I think the next in line is Raj Thackeray. But I hope he doesn’t do the same mistake that shiv sena did. Balasaheb no doubt did good things but it is human mentality to remember only the bad part, and people who work under him always handled everything like goons. Showcasing your strength in everything is not acceptable. And unfortunately this very thing brought shame to the party.
Just the next day after Balasaheb’s cremation, a case came up that 2 girls from panvel were arrested because of some facebook post and the shiv sena supporters had ransacked her relatives clinic (her dad’s I suppose) well this is what degrades the name of shiv sena, after all the respect and praises that the people had in their hearts, this clearly makes you want to reconsider your thinking. We live in a Democracy the lady has equal rights to put forth her views and opinion the way you have. Only difference here is that she didn’t have a political party supporting her and thus she ended up being arrested.
I just hope that nothing more happens due to the Samarakh issue. Yes, a Balasaheb samarakh should be there, but not in Shivaji Park, it is a ground and let it be that. You can take any other place around Shivaji Park. I just hope they retain Shivaji Park. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Have I come a long way?

Changes that happen within you sometimes go unnoticed. I have been practicing a certain Buddhist philosophy for almost 2years now and with all the wonders that it has done to me one was which I recently realized, and I thought that I should document it through the blog so as to remember it. I am a kind of person who will be all tears in no time, like I can cry (I do cry) for almost any small matter… thinking of every aspect in life practically is something which comes naturally to me thanks to my mother, but getting all teared up is a must. For a long time I have been praying to make myself more professional and strong so as to handle my professional life nicely. So the other day when my collogue pointed out that she finds me strong headed I realized that I have actually changes. I have been able to handle all aspects of my life by giving it my best, be it at my work place or my relationship with my family, friends and my boyfriend (hopefully)
So well, I am just happy
And a very Happy Diwali to all you wonderful people!!! Have a safe and joyous Diwali… be safe and don’t burst too many crackers. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Starbucks and all the tamasha!

Since the time when the first news of Starbucks opening its first outlet in Mumbai hit the newspapers, I was eager to try the coffee there and see how the “best” coffee in world tastes like. So the other day we decided to go and finally check it out.
Nestled in the plush and almost foreign looking part of Fort, Mumbai where everything has an elegant British touch to it is Starbucks. We reached there around 9pm so I was hoping that it will be almost empty because, honestly 9pm is not a great time for coffee. I was half worried if I would be able to sleep at night or not, but thanks to the tiring day that I was snoring the moment I touched the bed. Yes so at 9pm him and I entered starbucks and I was shocked to see  a bigggg queue for coffee, and almost no place to sit. So he stood in the line and I went table hunting ( if you can call it that).
The coffee however was not that great, it could have easily been something from CCD put in a Starbucks cup, but the price we (he) paid for it was totally great! What I really liked about the place was its interior, being an International brand, I was expecting it to have a plush interior but rather they had gone for the Indian Ethnic theme. The whole interior reflected the Indian ethnic style, with warm colours and pots and other decorative items used.
The place however were filled with wanna be Guju people ( I shouldn’t be saying this as I am part gujju) who just wanted to prove once again that they are cool. Some teenagers who were more interested in taking pictures than the coffee (I bet all these pictures went on facebook, once again trying to prove that they are cool and RICH!)
And I know I have already said this, but the interior is FABULOUS! loved it :D

PS – I almost forgot to mention the flooring, they have these patterns on the floors which look amazing… ( yes I am floored by the interior.) 

About time to ban the Victoria’s?

Let’s take a ride on the horse Carriage,  he said.
No, I can’t do that, I feel bad for the horses already that they have to pull so much weight while the humans have the time of their life. But I won’t do that, She said.
It was their 4year anniversary and as the ritual they had gone to Gateway of India, where they had their very first official date.
Horse carriages or Victoria’s ( as I recently came to know what they are called) has been a part of Gateway of India for a long time now. But the recent controversy being that it should be banned as it is a cruelty to the animals, I kindof agree with the cruelty part, but I wont support the band wagon of banning them altogether. Yes but some rules has to be laid down regarding the welfare of the animals. Such carriages are there abroad as well, but with their owners taking proper care of them and with some rules which looks on to that the animals are kept well, we can do something like that in India also right?
A complete ban doesn’t seem legit as it has been a part of Mumbai for a long time now, yes some changes and some ways to improve it are definitely welcomed. Also some monetary aid for the owner of these Victoria’s could be beneficial as that will allow them to take good care of the horses or else animal welfare organizations can take up this job and work along with the owners.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Ashwin Sanghi – The books and my Experience!

With vacations going on I have got ample of time to for myself and to do exactly what I want to do.  So basically all I did was watch movies, play Farmville 2 (yes! The Farmville craze is back… don’t worry it will go away in a couple of days. ) and read books! I am proud to announce that in this month I read 3 books and am now on my 4th book already.
I have always enjoyed reading Dan Brown books and always wished for an Indian author to write on the same lines as him, and the man who fulfilled my that wish is Mr. Ashwin Sanghi, His books – The Rozabal Line, Chanakya Chant and The Krishna Key.  All his books are simply amazing and a complete page turner. The best I like was The Rozabal Line and The Krishna Key, I guess the reason I am not that very fond of Chanakya Chant is because I myself as a person is not very interested in politics of political games that goes on in the country, but still the book cannot be ignored.
The information given in the book is impressive and well researched. Somewhere in between the books you do feel that a lot of information is bombarded on you and you might end up feeling confused, but that more of regarding your concentration and understanding. If you read it with concentration and proper understanding I am sure you’ll love it just like I did.
Actually authors like Dan Brown and Ashwin Sanghi and also Amish Tripathi (just started reading his books)  have inspired me to actually read Bhagvat gita, Mahabharatha, and also the Vedas. Reading all these definitely goes down in my To-Do list or if I may rephrase it to “Long term to- do list”  and I honestly look forward to the day when ill be able to scratch these off from the list.
All in all, just go read these books,  they are amazing and you’ll end up feeling more intelligent :D 

I also found some nice quotes about books on Internet… just posting them below J
“A room without books is like a body without a soul.” 
Marcus Tullius Cicero
“Classic' - a book which people praise and don't read.” 
Mark Twain
“There is no friend as loyal as a book.” 
Ernest Hemingway
“When I have a little money, I buy books; and if I have any left, I buy food and clothes.” 
Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus
“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.” 
William Styron, Conversations with William Styron
“A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.” 
George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones
“Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for each dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life.” 
Stephen King

Friday, September 28, 2012

Heroine – Movie Review

Just saw Heroine, and at the end of it the only thing I could think was WTF!!!! Actually there were part in the movie when I said exactly that… the movie should be renames as Psychotic Heroine, the lady just doesn’t know what she wants in her life. I guess Director Madhur Bhandarkar has portrayed a very low and disgusting image of the Film Industry. His previous movie Page 3 and Fashion were along the same lines, but it had some good things about the industry as well, we felt as if the industry is a mixture of good bad ugly, but that’s not the case with Heroine, it somehow portrays that everyone here are just there to create controversy, or are jealous about each other etc I am not saying that this doesn’t happen, but that’s not the only thing that happens.
Kareen Kapoor has ofcourse proved herself has a good actor, but her character in itself is very irritating and lost, but I will blame the director and the script for that and not her. Arjun Rampal well you just look drop down amazing though he doesn’t have much of a screen space he does make his mark.
And the last scene, just blew my mind off. Any damn illogical thing.. which for some reason I also found as an insult to the audience that goes to watch movies. They somehow potray that once there is a controversy about any movie the public is bound to go for the movie without even considering the whether  they actually want to see that movie or not. That’s like insulting the intellingence of the audience.
All in all, I was expecting a lot more than what I saw. After all the hype that was created the movie was a big disappointment.

My Rating – 3/5
A one time watch!