Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Maharashtra Lost Its Tiger.

Maharashtra lost its Tiger, Balasaheb Keshav Thackeray on 17thNovember 2012. After being ill for a long time he finally left us all on this unfortunate day. Almost 2million people who used to worship, respect and look up too came to see off their leader,. The news came in on Saturday at 3.30 pm and almost within a few moments spread like a wild fire. Shops closed down within seconds, people put away their lanterns and all the Diwali decoration to express their condolences, office were shut down and Taxi and Riskshaws were also pulled off the road. Now there were many views shared that all this was done out of fear and shiv sena people threatened everyone to observe a Bandh. But as of my area is concerned everything happened without any telling, maybe that is because my area has always been a part of all political events. People faced problems to reach home on Saturday due to the sudden unavailability of Transport. Social media  came as a boon for the people who were stranded on the road with Twitter helping people with carpooling, its another thing that 2 days later 2 girls were arrested because of social media only.

The next day area from Bandra to Prabhadevi was sealed off and no vehicals were allowed to go there. With whole Mumbai eerie silent and an ocean of humans moving from Bandra to Shivaji Park, I bet the aerial view must be mesmerising.  People from various parts of Maharashtra came to pay their last respect to their departing Tiger. People climbed up trees and hoarding, stood in the hot sun for hours together just to see a glimpse of their beloved leader.  Television channels began to compare this cremation event with that of Mahatma Gandhi. And I could conclude one thing that 20 lack people don’t come just out of fear its no doubt the respect which pulled these people to Shivaji Park that day.
The next day I came across many people who criticised Balasabeb a lot, despite the fact that I am not an expert on him I thought that there had to be something which was good about him because of which people respect him so much. I just believe that when you criticise some person you should also acknowledge the good that he did, we cannot forget that he gave us two wonderful express highways which helps us reach our homes faster after a tiring and a very hectic time at work, also the Bandra – Worli Sea link which I grade as an asset to the city. He gave the Marathi Manoos the pride which he had almost forgotten, I don’t know if should credit him or not but my city is safe for me to even travel at night, unlike all the cases which happens in Delhi. And last but not the least he changed the name from Bombay to Mumbai…  I was waiting for the News channels  to showcase all the things he has done for Maharashtra, but unfortunately that didn’t happen reruns of all the provocative speeches were telecasted which did not do much good for the departing soul.
The man had the power and he knew how to use it, I think the next in line is Raj Thackeray. But I hope he doesn’t do the same mistake that shiv sena did. Balasaheb no doubt did good things but it is human mentality to remember only the bad part, and people who work under him always handled everything like goons. Showcasing your strength in everything is not acceptable. And unfortunately this very thing brought shame to the party.
Just the next day after Balasaheb’s cremation, a case came up that 2 girls from panvel were arrested because of some facebook post and the shiv sena supporters had ransacked her relatives clinic (her dad’s I suppose) well this is what degrades the name of shiv sena, after all the respect and praises that the people had in their hearts, this clearly makes you want to reconsider your thinking. We live in a Democracy the lady has equal rights to put forth her views and opinion the way you have. Only difference here is that she didn’t have a political party supporting her and thus she ended up being arrested.
I just hope that nothing more happens due to the Samarakh issue. Yes, a Balasaheb samarakh should be there, but not in Shivaji Park, it is a ground and let it be that. You can take any other place around Shivaji Park. I just hope they retain Shivaji Park. 

1 comment:

  1. i like your post Pooja..but there are some big flaws that need to be corrected..the crying people speak of a man who was truly loved but the bandh and inconvenience of shutting shops speaks of fear..

    all said the man did do something fantastic to have earned so much respect and its upto his predecessors to work on it and better it
