Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Time To Act

            I am sure you all have already noticed the rising temperature in the city. It’s just April and it is already unbearably hot. I just dread to think what the coming days have in store for us. It’s not just about going out of the house, staying inside is also not as cool as expected.  I was just thinking about it today and reality hit me, till now, talks about global warming and how hot our planet is getting was something I would read about and then forget about it.  However now it just petrifies me.  
     Little changes in our daily life can really help a lot and if more people start doing it, I am sure it is going to bring about a major change. I am just listing down a couple of things that would actually make a big difference.

            Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
            Recycling is cool these days. Use products which can be reused or recycled. There are a lot of DIYs available online so make use of it. Reduce consumption of things which are not eco friendly.

            Walk, Cycle or Carpool
            Using personal car leads to a lot of pollution.  Walk if that is possible, cycle should be another good option. If the commute is long then carpooling is a good option. We anyway are so stuck up with work and our daily routine, carpooling will help you interact with new people and grow your social circle.

            There are a few carpooling options in India. However if these don’t work for you, try to find people at your workplace who travel on the same route and you can then carpool with them.

            Carpooling options - http://www.carpooling.in/search/regular/in-Mumbai

            Switch OFF
            My mother does this and trust me it feels good. After dinner she used to switch off all the lights in the house and then sit and catch up with all her TV shows. With all the lights off, it used to feel cooler. So when not needed, switch off the lights. Make it a habit to switch off all the lights before leaving the room.

            Get off junk mail
            Do you receive a lot of junk mail? Unsubscribe and subscribe to their online version. It would save a lot of junk at your house and also help lessen the use of paper.

            Rain water
            Although it is not monsoon now butthis is something to keep in mind. When it rains, collect the water and then use that water for routine uses. Watering trees, washing the dishes, mopping the floor etc.

            Cloth bags are your bae
            Always carry a cloth bag with you when you go shopping. I keep a cloth bag in my purse all the time! Avoid using plastic bags. These days you get cute cloth shopping bags with quirky quotes and prints, it’s fun to use them.

            Gardening or House plants
            I know that most of us don’t have enough space for a full fledged garden but you can have some indoor potted plants. I recently bought a cute plant pot online; it has really inspired me to plant some indoor plants in the house.  If like me, gardening is not your thing, try to make it fun by using bring colors and quirky pots.

            Replace your normal light bulbs with CFL lights. They consume a lot less energy and are comparatively cooler than a light bulb.

            Plan your errands
            Drive according to the speed limit, it would help save a lot of fuel. Also plan your daily tips, try to cover up as much work possible. It would help save a lot of fuel and would also help you finish week’s worth of work in a day or two.

Studio NH 47, a Bangalore based band, has created a video and song for Earth Day that falls on April 22nd each year. Green Yatra, an NGO dedicated to conservation and protection of nature, is supporting the effort.

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