Friday, February 27, 2015

Car buying complication

The confusion and debate amongst family members starts with the Size, Model, Color, Company and most importantly Price. Like marriage, in India buying a car is a family affair. Parents, wife and children all have a say and if you are in an extended joint family then your uncle, aunties and cousins also have a kind word to put in. I remember the time when we got our first car, it was an event really. The stress and the entire hullabaloo which followed was almost comical.

After everything is decided upon, we set out on actually finding the car and more often than not it turns out to be way over our budget so we cut down our aspirations and decide on something that we can actually afford. Few years down the line, the car gets old and all the newer models make you want to buy them and the drill continues.

Quikr NXT cuts down this long process. You can check the cars in the comfort of your home. You can even sell your car and use the money to buy your new car. I know checking out different models and visit those showrooms is tiring, but now all that is possible with the help of a single app. You can directly talk to the dealer thus eliminating the middleman, who as we all know it is an expert in minting money out of us.  

The best feature of Quikr NXT and I cannot emphasis on this enough is the chat feature! You don’t have to deal with the random calls, all the conversation can happen on chat and that really is the best thing ever for me. I think whatsapp has spoilt me enough that I really do prefer chatting than actually calling people up.

Quikr NXT also lists down all the options based on your preference, Color, Sedan or Hunchback, Budget etc you name it and it’s there. This helps in eliminating all the things that you are not looking for giving you a focused list of item that you will be interested in.

It’s not just useful for buying, you can also sell your car and it is as convenient as buying a car. You can put up the details and other necessary information and the price that you are willing to sell it for and soon you shall have a number of people approaching you to buy it. No don’t worry, you won’t get lots of calls making the whole experience tiresome, remember the chat feature? You can just communicate via text and only when you think you have found your buyer can you share your number and other personal details. Tip that I use -  I have made a note in my phone with all the FAQs and other necessary details a buyer is bound to ask and I just copy paste the same thing to everyone thus making it all the more convenient for me.

Quikr NXT making car buying and selling easy!

This post has been written for IndiBlogger you can find more information here -

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