Saturday, January 31, 2015

Open Magazine - The Desperation of the Marathi Groom

I read this - article yesterday and it immediately struck a chord with me as I did breakup with my long term boyfriend so that I could do something with my career first. I am doing my masters and plan on getting a good job etc before I think about getting married. Then there are those times when I wonder if I made a mistake by not getting married and going after my ambitions. You see there are two sides here.

            So the article speaks about how women these days are more career oriented and how they are not in a hurry to get married because they have the stability that marriage offers already thanks to their job and good salary package. The article also touches the topic of female foeticide and how that has affected the men women ratio.

            It’s true that women are getting more career oriented and that has given them the freedom to wisely choose their partner. It’s not how it used to be 10 years back, when the male was calling the shots – the tables have turned mister. This makes the feminist in me very happy. Isn’t this something like the olden times? When Swayamwar was the "in thing". On the other hand, if this is happening because the sex ratio is off charts then that’s something to worry about.

            People usually say that women should be independent and career oriented and should be equal to men etc. but all this goes straight into the dustbin when it comes on to them to support such a woman.

            The article specifically talks about Marathi Groom, and I can understand why. Being a Maharashtrian I have seen those typical men who still believe that men are above women, yes including the well educated people.

            I am not of the opinion that the desperation is justified but I am glad that women are finally getting over the “Need to get married before I am 25” phase and stepping into “I need to do well in my career” phase. This also doesn’t mean marriage is not important but so is your Life, Money, Independence and Career!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Mr. Modi sure knows how to put up a show

The last time I remember watching the Republic Day Parade so religious was sometime in school when my uncles made me sit and watch explaining everything that was happening. The TV used to be brought to life broadcasting the parade live every year but no one really sat down glued to it.

However this year, the hubbaloo about the parade started at least a week in advance. With Obama gracing the event it hubbaloo level shot right up. So this year, I got up and fixed my eyes to the
TV, postponing all my work until the parade is over. Half way through the telecast I realised that media has done what it intended too, or should I give the credit to Mr.Modi? Let's give credit to both of them. Mr. Modi knows how to put up a show and be in the news and our media knows exactly how to attract the audience.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Go Sleek with Asus

Being media student, a blogger and a Social Media enthusiast add in Movie buff, Sitcom junkie to it and you shall get an idea how dependent I am on technology. I recently started vlogging, so now handling blogs and YouTube channel along with studies for which we practically have no books and have to depend on internet for all the study material. My life is surrounded by technology and I need something that I can depend on.

When I first checked out ASUS EeeBook X205TAand ASUS All In One PC ET2040 I didn’t know which one I loved more. They both seemed to just fit the bill.

ASUS EeeBook X205TAis light weight and compact, which means that I can carry it around with me everywhere. I could get so much done on the go. It weighs less than 1kg, no more heavy laptop bags and those strained shoulders.

It has optimized batter for all day computing. Well, who doesn’t want that? I hate it when I have to constantly worry about the power plug and keep checking how much battery is remaining.  
And with its 29.4cm display I can enjoy my movies and TV shows on the go.

It has Intel Atom Processor Z3735F with Quad core.
Windows 8.1
29.4cm HD glare
Intel Gen7 Graphics
2 GB DDR3 1600
And comes in Dark Blue, Red, Gold and White color. I absolutely love the Dark Blue and Gold color!

Now this was about when I was out of the house. There comes a time when you a need a desktop to sit and work at. That where ASUS All In One PC ET2040 comes into picture.  Its description says Simple, Versatile and Powerful, and I think it describes it perfectly. The look is sturdy and makes you want to own it at the first glance.

It has build – in 1 hour UPS prevents data loss. It is Incredibly fast and responsive and has innovative gesture control.  It is a space saving design which is a win win aspect as everyone these days wants something compact yet powerful.

Its backup power prevents data loss. So if next time you electricity decides to go off without notice and you had forgotten to save the file, don’t worry you pc would take of it and save all the files which you can retrieve later. Now that’s what I can a smart PC. This is such a great feature for me, at times while editing I get so involved that I forget to save the project, this would make my work a breeze.
It has Innovative Gesture Control; well this is just sounds to me like some witchcraft which I am excited to experience.

So well all in all, I am still confused about which one I want. Maybe ill end up buying both!

This post has been written for IndiBlogger you can find more information here - ASUS EeeBookX205TA and ASUS All In One PC ET2040

Friday, January 23, 2015

Cupid Game

            The classic proposal includes candle lit dinner, a ring, good music and lots of flirting. I know we both are romantics at heart and would love to follow the pattern. However I also believe that there has to be something different which shows effort, so that it is the same old with a personal touch.
            He is an IT and Social Media guy, his life revolves around codes, computers, social media etc. I kind of am interested in what he does but things like coding etc doesn’t interest me or rather I just don’t understand it.

            To build up to the big question, I plan on doing a couple of little things to which he just couldn’t say no to. A blog, a game and dinner made by me.  As I mentioned, he is a social media enthusiast and so am I. Back in the day when I had thought of doing something for him, blog was my first option. It would be nice to have our stories on a blog, we can even later turn into something that we blog at. You know like a project that we are doing together (I think that would be fun).

            I don’t know how feasible the next thing that I plan on doing is. I’ll talk to some friends or find someone who could do it for me. I would love to make a small computer game, not very jazzy or intense. Like the flash games that we had when we were kids. A treasure hunt or maybe something where the Prince rescues the Princess and then they live happily ever after.

            And the next is, cooking for him. I am terrible at cooking. It is an achievement if I get the Maggi right, no I am not exaggerating. Actually I had once tried to cook his favorite dish for him but ended up messing it. He came over and then fixed the dish. Even thought I didn’t go according to the plan, I really found it very cute that he came and fixed my mistakes. Something like we complete each other right? NO? Okay! L  

            So well, the plan is clear now. I would invite him over for dinner and I would make the entire dinner by myself without anyone’s help! Candle light, music and then just us! When things are set I would ask him to complete the game and the end of which I shall pop the question. Hoping that he would say yes, I would then show him the blog and then we shall write the last chapter of our love story together and then begin a new chapter about our camaraderie!

Celebration of love is important, it is also very important to show your partner how much you care about them. These small little things that people do for each other which shows that they care keeps the love alive. It needn’t always be something big something small yet thoughtful does the trick!

This post has been written for IndiBlogger you can find more information here -

Friday, January 16, 2015

Bombay Blue – Phoenix Market City, Kurla

After a hectic week, couple of friends and I decided to unwind with some bowling and good food. After going through the entire list of restaurant available at the Mall we decide that Bombay Blue is going to be the place. It was crowded with no place to sit; we immediately regretted our decision as we were looking for some quite place. After waiting for about five minutes we got one corner table.

We ordered one Carlsberg, Mojito, Corona and a Caprioska for me.
Mojito and Caprioska were good. Perfect for the little buzz that we needed before we start the day.


For starters it was Garlic Bread and Fries Mexicana
Garlic bread is my all time favorite and these guys didn’t disappoint me. Although in the menu it was mentioned that Fries Mexicana has cheese!! I expected a lot of cheese but there wasn’t enough.

We settled for sizzlers, Thai sticks and Italian Pasta
Thai Sticks sizzler is vegetarian. I didn’t eat much of that, I did taste some and it was okay as was our Italian Pasta (I think I am writing the name wrong but it was definitely Italian something sizzler). I didn’t find is amazingly delicious but when one has good company all the not so tasty food doesn’t seem to matter.

It turned out that the manager was an old school friend, so well he used his privileges and gave us a discount which all the more added to the happiness. I would like to thank him for that.

I would give it – 3 and a half on 5

Cost for 4 – ₹ 3777/-

I also recently started making YouTube videos, please show some love! :)

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Garnier Pure Active Neem

The most dreaded thing that can spoil your mornings in a minute is a PIMPLE. I am sure we have all had those days when we are excited about something and finally when that day arrives you are greeted with an unwanted Pimple. Luckily I never had this problem during my teenage years.

However I suddenly had this major pimple breakout couple of months back. When I googled the reasons responsible for it, it listed down things like stress, change in the routine and pollution. I was dealing with all the problems so didn’t know which one is causing the pimple outrage.  I promptly did take the best possible way out and picked up Garnier Pure Active Neem Face Wash.

It has worked just great with me, pimples have reduced and I can count on this product every time. You can read my review here.

Pimple is that one thing which can totally mess up my look. It’s like my skin is taking revenge for not taking good care of it.  I know that I haven’t been very prompt in taking good care of my skin as well, there are time when I go to bed without taking off my makeup, and then there are times when I don’t have 8 glasses of water and then those days when I am so caught up with things that junk food is the only option that I have. Stress, Pollution, Periods are other things that join the list.

It is very easy to say that it is a natural thing and that we shouldn’t pay much attention to it but there are times when looks are all that matters. Like when the first impression is very important.  I am also very sure that there is a very sinister plan happening behind the curtains, how is that just when there is some important thing coming that my pimple decides to pay me a visit?

I can’t even take decent pictures with that thing on my face. It’s like a mountain on my face that I try hard to cover by posing in different angles, of course that doesn’t work.

Wash face million times a day, keep drinking water, apply various kinds of masks ( Thank god, I found Garnier Face Wash, it works like a charm ) and million other process that are to be followed to get rid of that one little thing on my face.

They say good things come in small packages. Well guess what; even bad things come in small packages, as small as a pimple.

This post was written for IndiVine you can check out more here -

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Panic Attack

She just laid there
The fear enveloped her. Heart beat went up. She couldn’t breathe.
This had happened before. These days however it was happening more often.
She waited and wished it would get over, she tried to calm down.
Nothing worked! She wanted to scream and call someone for help but she knew no one would understand what she was going through.
Lots of bad thoughts captured her mind. Heart beats still rising, breathing becoming more difficult.
Calm Down! Calm Down! she kept telling herself.
She closed her eyes and let it pass, she felt close to a heart attack. Or was it a demon strangling her with all the devilish thoughts.
And it was over just as suddenly as it started.  She didn’t know what to expect next, she just hoped it didn’t happen again.

It was time now for her to behave everything was alright and put up a smile.