Friday, September 28, 2012

Heroine – Movie Review

Just saw Heroine, and at the end of it the only thing I could think was WTF!!!! Actually there were part in the movie when I said exactly that… the movie should be renames as Psychotic Heroine, the lady just doesn’t know what she wants in her life. I guess Director Madhur Bhandarkar has portrayed a very low and disgusting image of the Film Industry. His previous movie Page 3 and Fashion were along the same lines, but it had some good things about the industry as well, we felt as if the industry is a mixture of good bad ugly, but that’s not the case with Heroine, it somehow portrays that everyone here are just there to create controversy, or are jealous about each other etc I am not saying that this doesn’t happen, but that’s not the only thing that happens.
Kareen Kapoor has ofcourse proved herself has a good actor, but her character in itself is very irritating and lost, but I will blame the director and the script for that and not her. Arjun Rampal well you just look drop down amazing though he doesn’t have much of a screen space he does make his mark.
And the last scene, just blew my mind off. Any damn illogical thing.. which for some reason I also found as an insult to the audience that goes to watch movies. They somehow potray that once there is a controversy about any movie the public is bound to go for the movie without even considering the whether  they actually want to see that movie or not. That’s like insulting the intellingence of the audience.
All in all, I was expecting a lot more than what I saw. After all the hype that was created the movie was a big disappointment.

My Rating – 3/5
A one time watch!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

What Assem Trivedi’s Cartoon Lack!

First of all, let me tell you I am no Cartoon Expert actually I am someone who cant even draw that neat. But going through the Internet and reading various articles, blogposts etc it came to my notice that everyone has just treated the Aseem Trivedi controversy in a very black and white way, no one considers that gray part which also exist.
Yes the sedition charge was illogical considering we live in a “Democratic” Country, and people have freedom or speech and expression. When I was a kid the only thing that got me interested in Newspapers were the cartoons and those little kids corner which used to be there.  A cartoon is something which is funny and yet stings you with the reality and makes you think. Ofcourse there is no hard and fast rule for that, but that is how we have come to think of it. Aseem’s cartoons were straight and to the point but with a harsher edge to it, which I guess was difficult to digest for many people. But that doesn’t make him wrong in any way, that’s just his style. Like Devdas was made 4 times by different directors but the one which Anurag Kashyap made was way different than the other three and way bolder, but people appreciated it right?
When a person is angry he/she seems to speak out louder forgetting all mannerisms and conduct something like this seems to have happened to Aseem here. He forgot that cartoons are supposed to be subtle with an element that will make you think, not something which is just a reflection of your thoughts…. That can be anyone drawing something which is there in their mind, that doesn’t make them a cartoonist right? Its like by hearting the answers for your examination and then just puking them out in your answer sheet, that doesn’t make you an author or a writer. Aseem could have just showcased his thoughts and views with help of some creativity and knack to subtle down the harsh reality of the country

Gampu Bappa Fest

With the Ganpati Festival Fast approaching every where in Mumbai all you seem to see is the Mandaps and Ganpati Idols :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Bhavnao Ko Samjho!

Everyone is aware of the arrest of Aseem Trivedi and people have various opinions about it, some say that the charges which are put against him of sedition are not proper as he did nothing to instigate a rebellion, some say that degrading the national symbols is not a good way to portray your anger while other say he is right and the government just wanted to stop him from doing anything like that again, well I agree with the last opinion.
Haven’t we all reading news everyday about censorship on social networking sites? Why? Because people have finally started speaking their mind about     the Government. Cartoons are made to be seen, understood, laughed and thought about. Without completely understanding the meaning behind the cartoon they have just arrested him and put behind bars. Government just wants to stop people from expressing their point and expressing their anger against the government.
Btw what about those people who were involved in all the multi million scams? Are they in jail now? No? oh maybe politicians, and people with influential contacts don’t get  arrested. But a cartoonist who is expressing his views and also something which is very true is arrested! 

PS – I really like this picture of his which I have uploaded above. The expression is so aggressive, so rebellious. It is like he really feels for the country, like he really wants to fight the injustice.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Raj Thackeray

Past couple of weeks has been intense for MNS (Maharashtra Nava Nirman Sena ) with all the rally, interviews and speeches. Generally I keep myself away from politics, but this time I see that the very basic and important issues are targeted by Raj Thackeray.  The question of Bihari’s to the Ambedkar Stuppa at Indu Mill, Shivaji Park.
It’s no big news if a Mumbaikar reads of murder and robbery cases that happened in suburbs in his/ her morning newspaper, Mumbaikar’s have grown to live this problem like they have learned to live with several others, but that doesn’t mean that they should live with it.  I don’t want to target any particular religion or caste or anything but if you look at the facts most of the slums occupied in Mumbai belongs to the migrated people from the North East. I had been doing a documentary on Slums for college project, but when I entered the slums some parts were so shady that I was left with no option but to drop the project, and that was the first time I doubted my safety in Mumbai.  The other day I was watching a video on YouTube regarding the double Decker bridge which is being build on the western express highway.  So the spokes person said that for the bridge to be reliable and to sustain for a longer time they will have to build a strong base, but the place where they intend to build the start of the bridge and the support system of the bridge is occupied by the slum people.  Government has obviously asked them to shift someplace else, but they refuse. So the slums have eventually come to hamper the growth of the city. The pollution and garbage and the low hygienic condition of these places are no good for the city.
I agree when Raj Thackeray said that there should be some kind of registration when people migrate from states. Yes the constitution allows us to go anywhere in India on our will, but just a record of who all migrated won’t hurt anyone.
Also the stuppa of Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar at Indu Mills, Shivaji Park seems stupid. What good is it to anyone?  It’s definitely not going to help the community nor the people of Dadar. It will be just another stuppa where people will come once a year and put garlands and then forget about it for the rest of the year. Again the thing that Raj Thackeray said I agree with it, he proposed that they should build a really good library there, this sounds sensible, and Mumbai lacks a good library other than Asiatic library in VT. Dr. Ambedkar also promoted reading books, so this sounds something that will be beneficial to everyone. And also something that Dr. Ambedkar believed in.
This post was inspired because looking at the amount of problems coming up in India and the number of scams ever increasing no other politician even for his own gain came ahead and took a stand for something but Raj did. Other have just kept mum and kept blaming eachother or said “abhi mehengai toh bad rahi hai, toh isme hum bhi kya kar sakte hai”

PS – if anyone finds this post offensive, I apologize for that.