Saturday, June 16, 2012

Miss you Dad!!! :)

            Happy Father’s Day everyone. Fathers are so important in your life na? Like you just need him to be there, he is the first MAN in your life. The closest man you could ever be with other than your brother and before your better half comes in your life. Unfortunately I had a very limited amount of time to spend with my father, 8years of my life to be precise. I had never thought about it this way before,  I have spent only 8 years of my life with the most important man of my life. Of course I miss him, I do remember bits and parts of my childhood spent with him and I can proudly say they were the best childhood days of my life. After my dad expired his place was taken by my 3 uncles who happily took me for their daughter and loved me just the same as my dad. Of course I didn’t realize much at that time I was only 8, but now when I have my senses in place do I realize how much I miss him at every step in my life. Like the time I got my license, my dad was a car and bike fanatic, I wished my dad had been there with me when I took my driving test or the first time I drove my car of the time when I started learning how to drive. I also tried to ride a bike but failed at it, I know had my dad been here to teach me I would have been a Pro by now :D
            But the day I miss my dad the most is this day “Father’s Day” when everyone spends quality time with their father and I am here with no one to celebrate with.  Ufff… now the tears roll down the cheeks, I guess that’s my cue to stop writing.
            See you around! And have a great day today!


  1. I can understand the pain, I had a long time with my dad but I wasted them in useless things.

    BUt I am sure your dad is watching over you all the time and he knows what you thinking..

    God bless

