Thursday, March 31, 2011

I Support Shiney Ahuja

A few months back Shiney Ahuja was convicted of a rape case. Of raping his house maid and a few days back he was sentenced for 7yrs of imprisonment. Is it really fair?? According to me Not.

Just because someone is famous enough to create new, law and goverment is using him to glorify themseleves. If this is the thing and if out goverment is so particular about all the rules and regulations then why was salman khan freed easily few years back?? He had killed a deer right?? Why is sanjay dutt free?? Wasn't he convicted to have underworld connections during the bomb blasts?? Why is kasab still alive?? If a rape case gets 7yrs of imprisonment isn't it obvious enough that kasab, a terrorist who killed 100s of innocent people gets death sentence??? Only because all these people had or have influential connections they are allowed to live their life in luxury. And luxury to also a terrorist. Kasab gets all kinds of luxury treatment in his So called Jail. And out media is freely highlighting it with pride. They should have done something against it not support it!!!

I only want to say a 7yrs punishment us too much. There must be millions of rape cases everyday does each and everyone of them is given 7yrs punishment??? If rule is the same for everyone then why the ones who have influential connections freed while those who can't help it and create news convicted?? It should be equal for everyone right??? Just because Shiney Ahuja gives news he is being targeted.

I am not saying to just leave him without any punishment, but what is given right now is too much!!!

Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone


  1. hi,
    u should not show sympathy on these kind of ppl like shiney ahuja. Yes i totally agree with why salman and sanjay got away but pls try to understand this, how can someone do some thing stupid because they has money and physical power? and 7 yrs is very less for this cruel thing. He got away with very less punishment, he could have got a death penalty so that no woman will suffer such heinous thing again.
    Indian law is very powerful (criminal law i should say).A billion of ppl are being protected every second and very few ppl like celebs get away because most of the cases are civil ones.

  2. The Judge has gone bonkers. There is no rape the maid told in the court that she was not raped and she is falsely implicating him. How can the judge make a decision without any basis? Then every maid and every other person will be encouraged to put in such false cases against people just to extort money.

  3. Well said Pooja..Salmans, Sanjays, Hasan Alis the filthy rich and the famous will get away with heinous crimes..A bit too much for Shiney Ahuja..A young life sentenced to waste 7 years of his youth for what ? a mere fun/pleasure of 2 or 5 minutes max ....awesome
