Tuesday, December 14, 2010


So I was getting late to reach ghatkopar now, so I left from my place in all hurry and in a race against time to cover maximum distance in minimum time..just as I left my house I realised I am hungry so I decided to grab a mouth watering dabeli from the corner ka thela.. So I take it parcel thinking ill eat it in the bus aaramse.. Just as I leave the shop and reach the main road I see the bus is waiting at the signal so I run as fast as I can with heels on and reach the bus stop. Ok so the end of all the hurry is there is all sweat on my face the shawl and my hair has gone hay wire, my bag which has all the things a woman will need for a month is in my one hand while in another there is my dabeli and my cell phone... So I get into the bus and the cool cool AC air welcomes me followed by the people staring at me. Telling you guys all office go'ers in their best formal clothing an business suits occupy the AC buses.. So they all stare at me as if I am some alien. I quickly find a seat take the ticket and then start to eat my delicious dabeli and they all are staring at me as if I am about to commit a crime, geesh do you people never eat road side food?? Or don't you have a life other than the office??? Or me eating a burger would have been more apt???

There is a aunty opposite me connntinuously on phone!! Another aunty who has occupied two seats one with only her bag and sitting in such an upright posture I wonder how long she can sit that way.. There is another guy in the back well he is cute nd cool listening to music on his iphone!!! Another uncle dozzing off and a girl in super short hair and clothes just got off the bus, isn't she feeling cold???

Yes right!!! This post was useless just timepass for me in this boring bus ride!!

Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone

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