Friday, November 6, 2009

sachin tendulkar god of cricket... REALLY???

You may find abusive language in this post!

Yes okay so this post of mine, I know ill get many comments saying I am mad or like I have no knowledge about cricket and stuff. Well yes sorta that’s true I don’t really have a great knowledge about cricket and stuff… but still I can atleast see whoz playing good and whoz not.

So now, many people call mr.sachin tendulkar god! And I find no reason to call him that. Okay now you’ll say he played cricket like no other in past he got a brilliant record and stuff..well isn’t cricket a team play and not a one man show? Most of the matches sachin plays its for his own record and not for the team. Take for instance yesterday’s match 175 runs wow. And last 20 runs remaining cant he just make 20 more runs and finish off his part well? He gave a good for nothing catch. Was that even a shot?

Yeah I agree he played like a hero in past. But what bout now? I guess something like a year back of something he gave reasons that he cant play because of his tennis elbow or something. Well if you are so not able to play cause of medical reasons then retire yourself now. You played enough. Half the time he get out within 10runs if It would have been someone else in his place atleast he would have made 20runs? Atleast some contribution. Sachin sucks in many matches and plays good In one match and in that also just for his own record and not for the team. Then people say his luck was bad, well he is god na how can god’s luck be bad?

He played brilliantly in past, well fine good for him. but why is he now ruining the play? Let someone else try his luck. He might be next sachin tendulkar.

I might write more on this..gotta rush now.. cya!


  1. thats not even close to fair what yu hav told!For a man who never likes spotlight and quiet and simple for the nation, this is the respect we give! and yet filthy politicians we vote and make them leaders and scowl? He is no wonder called the Master Blaster and at this age give me any player with so much dedication and after 700 matches if yu dont even hav a tennis elbow yu ought to be GOD for that! Well am sorry to say, but if yu hav lack of knowledge and stuff, pls refrain from such remarks on the no big fan of sachin, but truly respect his commitment towards cricket and India! i doubt if yu'd moderate this post!...just my piece of advice

  2. your criticism is nonsense. I am not a sachin fan at all. There are better players than him if u consider certain aspects of the game. But, there will be none like him.

    That shot was not that bad. It was a paddle sweep. You would have seen sachin scoring a lot of runs against the spinners in that way(If you watch cricket regularly). He tried the same there also.

    It is easy to criticize someone without thinking much. But that guy needs some appreciation for the length of career that he managed to build, if not for anything else.

    He is not god, of course. But he is one of the better batsmen the game of cricket has ever seen.

  3. as i said... i will get loads of comments like these... but still it wont change wat i belive.

    thats my opinion, yours may vary!

  4. honey, if he was looking for a record yesterday, he would have loved to score all those 20 runs all by himself as that would have been his highest score.

    Coming to that its called a paddle sweep and the little master masters that shot. If you see cricket regularly you would have seen how many times he has had success with that particular shot.

    I never say he is God... But he is one of the greatest players ever produced. Name other batsmen hun who have such range of shots and who can actually win you matches so very often. You said that he dint play well in the past... but if you go and check you will see that Sachin has made many vital contributions... CB series for instance.

    You should say he should retire... well show me a player who is half good as him. Even in this age he is better than many. He runs chills down the spine of the bowlers spine which is a deadly weapon.

    And yesterday if it wasnt for Sachin and Raina India would have been all out for a like 150 odd. Its thanks to him we even came close to chasing 350. And you know his experience and his presence in dressing room plays an important role too. So spare him.

  5. so wantd loads f comments .. b it lyk dis or dat... dats wanabish... dats my perception n opinion ... urs may vary.. but guess v indians r GREAT critics n can nvr appreciate much... dats so very visible 4m dis post f urs.. he is ruining d play??? sucks in many matches n plays well in 1??? u stupid stupid woman... yes der is nothin lyk god f cricket... but u gota gv sm respect 2d individual...not god but indeed he is a legend, he is 1 team player india hs had in yrs.. n in d same process if he gets 2 mk his own records, wot bttr.. so if ur opinion says he plays 4 himself n his records n not d team... den millions will vary n differ in dis opinion, "HE GAVE A GOOD FOR NOTHING CATCH",,, bold n stupid statemnts u mk woman... only crap talk n dont gv no respect 2d legend... ofcourse dats ur opinion n perception.. n freedom f speech gvs all f us 2 put 4wrd our thots .... so bravo n congrats u did succeed n will get more f comments..(read attention seeker) but d post sounds like a typical moron who gt nothin 2do but crap talk f odrs...only a true legend n gr8 human bein in dis case... n let me say dats my opinion.... no1 can chnge it... n gud u had 2rush n dint write much on it... probably u plan 2 rite soon..hmm do dat... but nothin wud chnge d fact dat sachin tendulkar is indeed 1f d greatest cricketer f all tyms... nice mk ovr u gave 2d blog... named it serendipity.. ... try stupidity... wud go wid dis post f urs.... till den njy criticising ppl who bring laurels 2d country n mk dem look like fools.. only d fact is u end up bein d fool.... cya woman

  6. it's ok to have ur own perspective. but when u make an allegation, the responsibility to prove comes with it.

  7. First of all, I cant judge if you wrote this just for the publicity...(no offense meant)

    If not.. Sachin's figures in recent years has to negate your claim.
    May be every Indian expect the unexpected from him.
    But watching closely its difficult for an ordinary mortal to play for 20 long years with such a staggering record is close to impossible.

    May be the amount of runs have come down a bit. But the poetry he writes with his bat hasnt lost its beauty.

    In the past he was pressurised to play. I think in recent years he is more at ease with himself.

    As years go by the role of a person changes in a team. He ought to be more responsible set an example and rein himself.
    Sachin's role has metamorphosised from an Atlas who bears all the burden to someone who can go out there and give a semblance of confidence.
    He is not that much needed to cumulate runs....

    But frankly I think he has aged too much last year. He is sticking out of a young team. Still I want him to see bat on!!!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Hi ...This is the best article ever...what u have said is 100% truth..One dumb guy here has said that ppl have bad days and sachin goes thro one of those...if thats the case , would u give a chance to other players in the team if they were in poor form for few matches?? The gr8 ganguly came back in form..they chucked him from the team only to serve a warning to this guy to play or leave..he plays for his own record..Useless for the team..His golden period is gone..he's utter nonsense now...let youngsters play the game..there are so many young talents (way better than sachin) waiting to play..this guy doesnt go out nor allows otehrs go play...I wish he 's chucked out from the team bfore he retires..that wuld be the best reply for his deeds..

  10. YOU DUMB BITCH. Tendulkar is the god *OF CRICKET*; Keep your worthless opinions to yourself, you dumb fucking cunt. Since you don't know much about cricket, which you yourself have stated, better you keep your asshole shut. Stupid cunt. Go die in a fire. Btw, he's a national hero which makes you an unpatriotic bitch for belittling him thus.

    1. Sachin a national treasure? More like a pot-bellied old twit running around with a twig playing a stupid something called cricket. .which is allegedly a 'game'. A 'game' watched by other pot-bellied nobodies with ultra fragile egos who scream like 2 yr old girls whenever their shitty 'game' n its so-called pot-bellied shittle master is criticized. Hahahaha!!!

  11. I totally agree with the author.. Sachin might have played some good knocks in past but for now he sucks that's simply because he plays for himself and not for the team... God knows how long we'll have the carry the burden of those records and keep loosing important tournaments by having him in the team....

  12. You need nt defame sachin like this.. i agree tht he isnt a match winner for india... bt u cnt doubt his talent.. he has immense passion for cricket !!! more than any indian... The best solution wil be to ask him 2 open wit a youngster like kohli or gambhir...i agree younger players r more team players than d earlier generation of cricketers..they r match winners ... bt Sachin brings experience n passion in d team !!! The guy deserves some respect dear...

  13. Yeah,he sucks alright.The god of cricket...MY ASS.When was the last time he played when India needed an innings?Maybe in 20th century.I agree he is a good cricketer but the rest is just fabrication,I mean he is no Ganguly when team needs motivation,no Laxman when team needs support,no Dravid when team needs hope or no Bhajji when team needs wickets but just a player fixated on records who values hos wicket over victory

  14. Sir Sincerely BaffledApril 9, 2012 at 9:41 AM

    I'm sorry but I can't take this article seriously; as it seems that it is written by a 4 year old monkey with an intelligence of a dead squid. And she's ugly. Goodluck in life.

  15. Rahul dravid is way better than sachin. Sachins careear is over now. He is just playing for his own records. We should learn from the australian team.

  16. Sachin is selfish to the core. All he cares about is his endorsements (his endorsements far outweigh his salary) and therefore he cannot stop playing because he is greedy for his own records and money. He does not care about Indian cricket anymore, should have stepped down after World Cup 2011 (btw, he did not contribute much in that tournament except one or twice). He has to learn from Laxman and Dravid as to how to behave. They are truly exceptional and selfless cricketers who care for the game. Laxman even removed himself as "Icon" player when Deccan Chargers started as IPL franchise so that the Chargers could buy more talent with the extra money. Wow, would Sachin do that, NO! Also, Sachin got a free Ferrari from Michael Schumacher for which he did not pay any duty even though others would have to when impoting goods into India. He then sold it and kept the money. He is no God, he is just ordinary and idiotic people (mainly Mumbaikars) elevate his status to that of God. Get rid of Sachin and Indian cricket will be do much better. I don't care how long he stays in IPL and milks the Ambanis for his 1.8 million salary but get the hell out of tests ASAP!!! Ardent and passionate Indian fan who once loved Sachin until 2011 World Cup, then the love waned and is now turned to disappointment and disgust!!!

  17. Sachin is selfish to the core. All he cares about is his endorsements (his endorsements far outweigh his salary) and therefore he cannot stop playing because he is greedy for his own records and money. He does not care about Indian cricket anymore, should have stepped down after World Cup 2011 (btw, he did not contribute much in that tournament except one or twice). He has to learn from Laxman and Dravid as to how to behave. They are truly exceptional and selfless cricketers who care for the game. Laxman even removed himself as "Icon" player when Deccan Chargers started as IPL franchise so that the Chargers could buy more talent with the extra money. Wow, would Sachin do that, NO! Also, Sachin got a free Ferrari from Michael Schumacher for which he did not pay any duty even though others would have to when impoting goods into India. He then sold it and kept the money. He is no God, he is just ordinary and idiotic people (mainly Mumbaikars) elevate his status to that of God. Get rid of Sachin and Indian cricket will be do much better. I don't care how long he stays in IPL and milks the Ambanis for his 1.8 million salary but get the hell out of tests ASAP!!! Ardent and passionate Indian fan who once loved Sachin until 2011 World Cup, then the love waned and is now turned to disappointment and disgust!!!

  18. Sachin gets Bharat Ratna, I ask how govt suddenly decided so ? Secondly, where are Dhyanchand or Vishwanathan Anand's legend? They worth first
