Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dirty Little Secret

Him – So I hear you are home alone today.
Her – yes, so?
Him – I am coming over
Her – No you are not. I know what you are coming over for
Him – ill be reach there in 30mins.

At her house
“We broke up, you don’t love me anymore and don’t plan on getting back then why should we be doing this?” She said
“Relax, it’s just physical we have done this before what’s the harm if we do it again? We are not with dating anyone else for now.” He argued back

Some time later
“We shouldn’t have done this. You said all those nice things just so that I would agree to sleep with you right? You know I still love you.” She said
“To be honest, Yes”
“I am a fool”
“I have to meet my friends, I better get going”
“Are you going to tell them you were with me?”
“No, I can’t”
Oh so you can come sleep with me. But can’t even tell your friends that we meet?”
“Yes, I can’t do that”
“So I am your dirty little secret right? A personal slut
He left without saying anythnig.

She was left with self-loathing, no one had ever made her feel so cheap and disgusting ever. The problem still was that the love she had for him never decreased. She had learnt to live with the self-loathing, disrespectful life and with all the depression and sadness that came with it.

Someones dirty little secret was that she was.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Garnier BB Cream

Wearing makeup, dressing up was really not my thing ever. It was one of those things that I just
could never get a hang of. Obviously I tried certain things but nothing ever came up to live up my expectation which basically was that it should be something very easy , not complicated, quick and gave perfect result.
As I said earlier I have tried a lot things but they all seem to ask for a little more attention than I was willing to give, so when I got to know about BB creams I was instantly attracted towards them.  Again itwasn’t an easy task, I tried a few BB creams but they just didn’t seem to work right for me. When I told a friend about it she said,“ it’s just a cream, how can you have problems with that as well? ”
 You see some of them didn’t mosturize my skin well, some of them left a white finish on the face and one of them just caused me acne. It took me a long time to figure what was causing acne but the damage was done till then.
Anyway sowhen I tried on Garnier BB Cream I was a bit apprehensive considering all my previous experiences.  This product howeversurprised  me, the consistency is not very thick thus making it easy to apply. It doesn’t leave a white finish on my face. It is also not sticky. However it doesn’t do much work when it comes coverage but an even tone and bit of a base is what you are looking for then this shall work wonders. Also I like the fact that it’s not very costly as compared to other products which are available in the market.
I had applied this and my friends did notice that there was something different, they asked me if I had done something to my skin which basically told me that the product is working for me. It gave my skin a healthy glow, made it look mosturized and healthy.
I liked the fact that this requires the least time. I just used a small dollop of the cream on my face and neck, as said earlier it blended with my skin in almost no time. I gave it rest for like 2mins for it to set and then applied my compact powder. And there! I was all set, I put on some Kajal and Masacara a nude lipstick and lip balm and I was good to go. It stayed on for around 6-7 hours I guess, I didn’t time this. It was also hot outside and I was in the sun most of the time, that remind me it also has SPF 24 so you neednt worry about the sun as well.

Over all I loved this product and has already become a part of my daily routine

Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Bundle of Joy

My grandmother always used to tell my mother, “The happiness that a child brings into a house cannot be recreated by anything or anyone else”. I was too young to understand the meaning behind this that time. Now however I understand exactly what she meant. Although there is no child in my house now I am going to write about this little girl who is my neighbour.
I had just come back from college when my mother announced that neighbour had a baby girl. I rushed to congratulate them and have a look at the baby.  The cuteness made everyone fall in love with her the first time they saw her. She had suddenly become the center of attraction in the building especially my floor where the childs story kept coming everyday.
As she grew up, she turned into this enthusiastic little kid who would never sit at one place. Constant looking after her was needed as it was by now understood that you leave her unattended for some time and she would come up with some mischeif.
Everyone loved  her and she knew that she has the potential to make anyone over look her mischeif just by her cuteness.
Suddenly she became a part of our everyday conversation. We would shop for her even ever we came across some cute baby stuff in the mall. ABCD and Humpty Dumpty also became a norm where anyone who is free shall start teaching her.
Just because of her the entire floor had a new life, a new happiness and a new story to listen to from her parents about what new things she did. This is when I understood what my grandmother said, a little quirky, enthusiastic child had really brought in so much joy and happiness in our lives. To by honest, I never wanted her to grow up. 
It was around the time of her birthday that she fell ill. She was admitted in a hospital. The gloom and sadness felt by everyone was obvious. It was as if all of us were going through some stress. It hurted not seeing her playing outside every morning, or the regular crying and wailing during lunch / dinner time just because she didn’t like what was cooked.
She had become the center of our daily lives. Like seriously a little kid who does nothing but just try new ways to mess up the house and come up with ideas which are going to just create more trouble for the parents actually earns everyoneslove. The day she was ill, everyone was back to being grim and living their life like a machine.
Kids really help take the stress out our lives. We forget that we have stress and suddenly fairytales become real. You laugh at silly jokes and even crack a few to see the little one laugh. Your backpain goes away in a jiffy just because you want to give the little one a piggy back ride. So much a child does for us, and it is really sad when a child falls sick. You can’t see the pain they are going through, you would happily take the sickness and let the child be. That’s the magic of children, they just know how to spread happiness and more so when they are all fit, fine and healthy so they can run as far as they want to, create as much a mess they wish, and spread the most biggest smile on your face.

This post was written for #IndiHappyHours

You can check more about it here -

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Meri Wali Diwali

The moment I turned 18, I started asking my mother to get me a scooty. Now my mother is of the thinking that scooty is dangerous, cars on the other hand are safer. So that birthday I didn’t get any gift as we couldn’t come to terms about what exactly I want. Scooty and bike war was on in the house.

Forward to Diwali.
On my way out I took my keys from the counter. I noticed that there was one more key attached to it. I asked my mother about it only to be surprised that she had actually got me a car!
Mind you that time I knew nothing about cars, I hadnt even enrolled for driving lessons. 
While writing this article I realised that I have generally got such  surprises on Diwali, right from my first cycle!

Diwali brings in so much joy and for me it’s the anticipation of what’s going to happen next.
Another reason why I just love Diwali is because I we have kind of a ritual with my extended family (friends).  On the first day of diwali we all dress up and meetup, burst some crackers, although crackers have been stopped now considering all the environmental issues. It was something that happened without planning and before we knew it it was a tradition.

I like how such small small things brings people together. Diwali also gives you a reason to get back with people, contact them again. We all know that we are all distant these days, it wasn’t so earlier. Diwali gives you a perfect way to bring in the bond back. Family members visit eachother even though they have just spent a year of very less or no contact.

Another thing why I love diwali is because it takes me back to my roots and to my family. The whole year is spent meeting college deadlines, with friends, trying to be updated with fashion and dealing with all the petty problems which at that time looks like the most important thing ever.  Diwali gives me a reason to learn about my culture, dress in those sexy saries and adorable kurtis, meet all the family and learn cooking! Yes, I don’t know how to make dal rice but I very well know (okay, somewhat know) how to make modaks, shankarpali, chakli, chivda and besanche ladoo (all marathi diwali delicacies)

Diwali also brings in lots of holidays, all the more reason to love the festival and spend time with family and people you care about.

Oh and how can I forget gift? As much as I love receiving gifts, I also love the process of buying gifts for everyone. I feel it instantly connects people. You are thoughtful and buy things which you think the opposite person shall like. Just the thought that someone has actually brought something for you and they have put efforts into it is so cute.

In so many ways Diwali is not just a festival, it is a collection of memories, of opportunities and a lot more.

This post is written for #GharWaliDiwali contest
You can check it out here -

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Love Games and All That Jazz!

“Nothing, we just went for lunch”, I told them hoping that would put an end to all the questions I had no answers to.
Obviously the questions were far from over.

“So do you like him?”
“Why don’t you ask him out?”
oh! I am not very sure if I have the guts to do that. Plus I don’t even know what if he likes me, actually I am not very sure about what I feel for him as well.”

“ If he does ask you out, what would you say?”, this question made me pause.
“ I think ill say yes!”, I was surprised how easily I could answer that.
“You need to make me ask you out”, a friend chirped in.
“How do you ‘make’ someone do that?” I enquired.

see, you need to make him jealous. Make him feel that you have other people as well. Don’t message him for a week. Whenever he asks you out say no!” and the list went on about what are the dos and don’ts of making someone ask you out!

“What rubbish! I am not doing any of this. If he likes me, he will ask me out. Simple!” I rubbished all their ideas after he completed his half our monologue.

On the way home I found myself thinking about the it over and over again. Does one have to go through all this drill just to make someone know that they have feelings for them.

I was in a six year long relationship and honestly now I feel so weird at times. Its like I have entered some different era of dating. There are rules and dating apps and all those cheesy lines (like wtf is up people?)