Friday, June 24, 2011

After Delhi... Its Mumbai's Turn Now

After almost every week a girl getting raped in delhi, its now Mumbai's turn... In a weeks time I heard two news one that 4 girls were killed and 2nd that a girl got raped at kalyan station. What is wrong so suddenly? I always felt that mumbai is a very safe city. Whenever I am out of town I flaunt me being from Mumbai and that I feel so safe there.

With the profession I am in I generally have to get back home late in the night. And generally by train because that's the fastest route to get back home. And with the news that a girl got raped in the night at a station! Mind you.. Mumbai city never sleeps and the station is always filled with people... Not many but there are a few people and I wonder how had these 4guys managed to rape her. Its said that they showed her some weapons and forced her to come with her to some place and raped her there.

The news really got shivers down my spine and got my heart beats faster ... Of course the government and the Police has to do something in this matter so as to not get the situation out of the hand. But I also think that girls around also has to start taking some action against this. And the action starts from the smallest of the things like if any eve teases you, you have to stop it then and there. Speak up against it. Stop him then and there!!! Create a scene, make that person feel ashamed. The more you keep quite the more these sick people think they can do anything they want and we will keep quite. Girls should learn some kind of defense, applies to me as well.. We should learn some type of karate or something that will help us stay out of trouble. You can also keep a swiss knife handy or a pepper spray or some mirchi powder so that if anything like this happens with you (which I really hope never happens to anyone of you), you can get out of the place ASAP.

I love Mumbai, and something like this happened here really hurts me. I hope things get under control soon and these dirty people get such a horrible punishment that no one dare do it again to any girl!

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Politics with dadagiri

So I was on my way home and in train ladies coach near the door as the train was quite full. At the next station a group of around 15-20 shiv sena lady supporters got into the train with an attitude that the train belongs to them and they can push whoever they want and get inside and the pushing includes a lady with a baby in her hand. To add more to it 2 males got into the ladies coach shouting shiv sena zindabad and many more things supporting Mr. Thakerey (excuse me if the spelling is wrong) it was getting on my nerve now the ladies actually were pushing people to get inside and to get a proper place to seat while when the 2 men got in many ladies who wanted to get in the train couldn't cause they were blocking the door.

It was too much for me now I told them to go to the gents compartment. He tell me that its a Morcha happening and everything is allowed today. I disagreed. I told them that the compartment is anyway full and there is no need for them to add more to it so the males should travel in the male compartment. That added fuel to the fire and they started blaming me saying I am of the opposing party (Raj Thakerey to be specific) the verbal fight intensed. And I dragged them to the Railway Police asking them if today indeed all was allowed because these people were protesting against something turns out they didn't even have the ticket to travel. We were there for almost an hour arguing on the topic and they trying to threaten using their political connections. At the end of the day they were forced to say sorry and leave (with them saying I have made an mistake)

All I am saying is... Does these political party people have all the right to do anything? This what happened today was really a petty thing I agree but there are much more things bigger than this that these people do and get away with it because they belong to a political party and have a political support! Aren't these political parties set up with the intention of protecting civilians?
When will the day come when they will realise that they are not here to terrorise people and scare them or do dadagiri using their political connections as they did today in the train..

Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The One

They say that when you find the one for you, you should never let them go! But what about those who find the one and then don't treat them properly and then the one leaves them and goes? What about them? When both of the people know that the perfect partner the soul mate is each other but still for some reasons things don't work out?

Is it too much to ask for if you ask for some respect. And some loyality, and some understanding that you need your friends as well as that one both!

And then imagine a day when someone looses their best friend and their the one both together on the same day! What do you think will happen to them?

All I would like to say is that the person who made all this happen should realize this and also accept that the biggest mistake they could have ever done in their life was to let go of that "The One"

Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone

Saturday, June 4, 2011

An Evening In Mumbai

She was in a hurry to get back home from work. Whole day had just tired her from all the energy and she would have dealt anything to just be in her bed.

She had decided not to take the train home as that clearly meant that she would have to stand all the way in the sea of people who travel to and fro everyday. So she took a bus which will take her half way back home from where she will have to catch another bus. She sat in the bus all relieved and ready to relax when her phone rang and she was called back to work because someone wanted to meet her. She went back!

Later she decided to take a rickshaw halfway and cab home from there. So she got in the rick sometime later the rickshaw wala tells her that the gas is less and she will have to get down at kandivli highway instead of goregao. As she got down at kandivli she saw bus approaching from behind which will take her to santacruz from where she will get a direct bus back home. She run's for the bus and in the process she falls down and hurts her toe and it starts bleeding she still makes it to the bus and then continue back home with a bleeding toe. Sometime later she spots an old friend a person she always wanted to meet for a long time now but everytime either of them was busy! But there was no time to meet ofcourse. She reaches santacruz gets other bus which will get her to dadar. As soon as she crosses bandra a cool gust of wind hits her and all her tiredness just vanishes.

As soon as she get down at dadar it starts raining heavily and she takes refuge at a friends place. It pours for about half and hour and she has to wait there till it slows down enough to get her back home.

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