Tuesday, October 21, 2008

lonely or solitude???

Why this sometimes happen that even though you have loads of friends out there but no one is free to meet you. I dont know what has happened to me these days why am i soo frustrated and angry over everyone. Is it because of this loneliness i am facing? I am happy now but i somewhat missing my old days as well my old friends. Life is good now as well or rather perfect but some insecurities some changes in life is that i am not able to take, its those simple things in life those simple changes but its bothering me something has got into me... and i seriously need helppp!!!
Why everyone has to be in contact with me but have no time for me? Why everyone has to get busy with their boyfriends and girlfriends soo much that they have no time for their friends? what has so drastically changed? or is it just me who has changed? is it really me whoz wrong? i tried figuring this out a loads of time but just can't now friends its your time to help me out plzz!.
what is the matter with me?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

boyfriend or boy who is a friend?

"A gal and a boy can never be friends", Its one of the old and most Clichéd sentence ever.Is this really true? I mean can't any girl and a boy be just friends and no love involved in it?. Is it necessary that the love factor has to come in? Is it nessary for atleast one of them to have a crush on the other person? Well as everyone else even i have my personal views on it. I say, why can't two people of opposite sex's be just friends and nothing more than that? Why people have to talk about your friendship behind their backs? Its just a normal thing, I mean to say its just a normal friendship which a girl has with other girl and boy with other boys. If two people of opposite sex's are happy and comfortable in eachother's company then why people have a problem with that. Don't a girl have a healthy relation with her brother who obviously is a boy.
If a sister can be close to her brother than why can't a girl be close to other guy? What is the harm? The harm is always there in the mind of people thinking of something like this, they are creating a misconception in their mind and make the others suffer.
I just hope as our soceity has changed soo much over years, even this should be changed as soon as possible.
And once again the same Question of if " A girl and a boy can be friends or not" remains unanswered. Like many other Question's which are debatable and unanswered till date.